BLOG-EN 2017-03-02T11:56:54+01:00


  • Via Crociferi – Catania

    In Catania, I love Via Crociferi, a Baroque area where noble families once lived, and showed off their wealth and power by competing to build the most magnificent convents and churches - often to show [...]

  • Pane ca Meusa

    In Palermo, we love pane ca meusa, which means literally "sandwich" (pane) with "spleen" (meusa) and is, generally speaking, the interior of the cow/sheep. Palermitani go mad for it and it is usually eaten on [...]

  • Circumetenea Train

    In Randazzo, around Mt Etna, a great experience is to take the local "circumetenea train." It's a slow ride and the only train existing in Italy on a lite narrow train track. The highest speed [...]

  • Sambenedica!

    Sambenedica! This is a very formal and honorary way to respect old people in Sicily. It's how you would address an old man wearing the coppola (the typical Sicilian cap). It is so important that [...]

  • Amuninni

    Another important word any traveler should know is Amuninni. It means "let's go!" and is the most typical way to start off an activity, a walk, an adventure... The word probably comes (as many words [...]

  • Calling a waiter

    When you want to call a waiter or simply claim the attention of somebody, some foreigners use the top of the index finger above the head moving back and forth. In Sicily, this is considered [...]

  • Piazza Bara dell’Olivella (Palermo)

    In Palermo, go to Piazza Bara dell'Olivella, where during the weekends you can meet all the locals filling up the pubs and enjoying the many live bands. It's a great chance to mix with the [...]

  • Cinema Paradiso

    If you want to learn more about Sicilian culture, see the film Cinema Paradiso. I think it is a far more accurate depiction of real life here than the Godfather movies were!. It is a [...]

The Sicilian…Walk of Fame – Part I –


Have you ever wondered, walking on the WALK OF FAME in L.A, where some of those names and artists were from? Those who have made us dream, laugh, cry, dance ... in their theatre or movie acting [...]

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