Weddings in Sicily – Part II
Combined marriages and Hyloping Let’s see now the two kind of weddings: “the combined marriage” and the “hyloping” With regards to the combined wedding the mother of the young man (close to the age of 26 and [...]
Weddings in Sicily – Part I
The right time and age to get married in Sicily Woman eighteen and the man twenty eight…! Twenty eight him, eigthteen her. That ‘s the good wedding! This is one of the many proverbs which [...]
Caltagirone. The first settlements of the town date back to very ancient times and its name Caltagirone dicloses the Arab origin. Qualat Gerun means “the rock with the caves” as the stones of the archeological [...]
Sicily to be loved and accessible
Let us enrich ourselves with our mutual differences! This what the French writer, poet and aphorist, Paul Valery used to say. And nothing could be more true to say and write. Sicily offers many possibilities [...]
The flea market experience
Sicily is a land rich in culture, art and tradition and you realize that walking the streets of this city. In the heart of its historical center it developes the most famous flea market in [...]
Gelato is the main course in Sicily
Get ready to jump into the most special ice cream parlors in Sicily ... !! Let's understand first that summer on this island begins by mid April and soon comes in the air seabreeze, sand, sun screen ... [...]